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Robertson Anschutz Vetters, LLC


Robertson Anschutz Vetters, LLC (RAV) has performed services for mortgage lenders since 1993. RAV performs Document Preparation & Fulfillment Services, Document Legal Review Services, Default Legal Services (Texas and Oklahoma), and Regulatory Compliance Services. RAV performs Document Preparation & Fulfillment Services for mortgage lenders nationwide. These services include Document Preparation Services, Funding Services (Funds Request & Pre-Funding Review), and Post-Closing Services. RAV also performs Document Legal Review Services. RAV also performs Default Legal Services (Texas and Oklahoma) for mortgage servicers. These services include Foreclosure (including Texas Home Equity Loans and Reverse Mortgages), Loss Mitigation, Loan Modification, Eviction, Bankruptcy, and Deceased Mortgagor Default Solutions. RAV also performs Regulatory Compliance Services including CFPB Rules, Policies and Manuals, Audit and Examination Preparation, Loan Originator Compensation, Fair Lending and Disparate Impact, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), and Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA).


  • Compliance
  • Title / Escrow / Closing
  • Post Closing / Trailing Document Management


Houston, TX
United States

Year Founded


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