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Property Tax Service Company


Property Tax Service Company is an international ad valorem tax firm offering a full range of real and personal property tax services. Property Tax Service Company is experienced in handling high-profile, major assessment issues and efficiently organized to address small, commodity properties, or large properties with complex valuation profiles. We listen intently to your business objectives and use our expertise to determine the best tax strategy for your situation. We understand the different taxing jurisdictions across the United States and Canada and leverage this to your advantage. Most companies lack the in-house expertise that PTS has to address the complex issues that impact property valuation and tax payments. AT P/T/S, we focus on teamwork and communication to unite our knowledge with your internal resources. Our primary objective is to ensure that together we achieve your business goals. P/T/S team members have in-depth knowledge of market sectors and industry services, including family entertainment, casinos, and hospitality. All associates are immersed in these and many other sectors' unique regulations, sensitivities, and nuances. Contact us to see how our trained professionals help get a fair and accurate tax assessment!


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United States

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